Synth Widow album art
Magic the Gathering cards
Magic the Gathering playmat
Supercommuter,Products of Science album art
Supercommuter,Trash World album art
The Fall of Troy, DoppelgangerLP album art
The Fall of Troy, DoppelgangerCD version album art
The Fall of Troy, DoppelgangerCD version inside
The Fall of Troy, merchandise
little free pantry
x ViaVerano
Anthropomorphic prints for Fogland Press
Worlds We Carry web banner
Joe Carducci
acts of kindness (free to use / print size: page 1, page 2, page 3 )
wedding invitation
Classical Uncorked
Classical Uncorkeddesign elements
Unfurling Embodiment
Unfurling Embodimentadditional designs
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
Scavengers mini-comic
Lost Heartsview online here
Summoned Creature
Rappuccini's Daughter
Suicide Angels